
OrderPort was founded in Seattle, Washington in 2002.  The company started by developing software that connected online sellers and order fulfillment centers.  As the business grew OrderPort extended its software services from managing inventory, order data and reporting to building online stores.  In 2010 OrderPort began working with a few wineries in Washington state and in 2012 released the first version of its point-of-sale.  The OrderPort POS was the first mobile POS designed for winery tasting rooms.  As the OrderPort software evolved from webstores and POS to club management and more, wineries from New York to Virginia to Texas and California began using OrderPort.  Today nearly 800 wineries use the OrderPort platform to manage their DTC business.

The Partners

Rick Belisle

Matt Payne

Stephen Ratzlaff

From the start OrderPort has been different.  The partners recognized that small wineries needed the same software tools used by large wineries to manage their DTC business.   The company mission is to build great software that’s easy to use, designed for wineries and affordable to wineries of every size.  OrderPort is not owned by a credit card processing company or venture capitalists.  The OrderPort partners finance the business and work every day as part of the OrderPort team.  The partners have a personal stake in the success of each OrderPort team member and every customer.  The partners understand the wine industry and are deeply involved in every aspect of the company’s product development and their customers success. 

OrderPort is committed to delivering DTC success for wineries.